miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011


Rob 16
Try to understand all the classes you are taking and when you are studying try to do it with some music that you like and that won't be bored
Lara 15
I think that "friends" are your friends because a friend help you in the good occasions and in the bad ones and they are only make you feel bad
Joe 15
Some times you have to ignore the people that only try to telling lies about a person that doesn't have security of himself so you have to walk away and try to tell your authorities
Abbie 16
you have to be care about all the things that you'll tell to an other person and is better to do that to lose a great friendship and understand that not all people can keep a secret

In last year sometimes i take seriously all things that people say to me like you won't pass the class or things like that but i try to ignore'em but some in my brain don't want to so i listen a song called the pretender of foo fighters and that help me to ignore the things that somebody say me.

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